Monday, August 2, 2010

Such a Sucky Summer!

Seriously, Wow.

Thank God we start school obscenely early in the Deep South or I'm not sure how many boys would be left to register...Bad, bad, bad Mommy.

Well, tired and worried and stressed Mommy. Mommy who is terrified that Daddy has made choices that will change our marriage in the not-good-beginning-of-the-end- ways. More on that later, but suffice it to say that it involves His Mother and how much she prefers her cats to her grandsons. Especially the grandsons with pervasive developmental disorders and windows of opportunity that will not be indefinitely open. Am so angry, so hurt, so unable to wrap my head around it, that it terrifies me. In that dark place where nothing makes sense. We've been there before, remember? Yeah, that's the place. My new address.

When I can, When I can make enough sense of it to explain it, or at least convey it, I will will share with the class. This is not then.

Ahhh...I'm tired. It's late. I don't have anything witty or brilliant ot say. I'm just...
just scared.

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