Thursday, March 17, 2011

Change of Address Form

I've tried. Heaven knows I've tried.  Cut and paste this VERY IMPORTANT LIFE EXPERIENCE PIECE into that place.  Lose the pictures.  Not good with the pictures.  And I like pictures because when I feel too damned lazy to really gather my thoughts and write words, well, they do say "a picture's worth a thousand words."


And I like it here.  It's all warm and familiar.  And you know where you can find me, if you want to find me.  That part is totally up to you. 

But I think that for the most part, I'm filling out my change of address form.  Now you can find all those VERY  IMPORTANT LIFE EXPERIENCE PIECES over at Wordpress.

 Step right up, it's always free...

Blogspot, it's not you, it's me. 

And the pictures.  I like using the pictures.

Oh, and if you don't feel like stopping by, even for the pictures, I should tell you that we are in the midst of excavating and prepping for THE POOL.  This is more terrifying than I can say, and I would really appreciate your support.  Sort of like coming by with a casserole after someone has a  baby.  Our baby is 18 feet in diameter and MUST, MUST be installed on absolutely level ground--within one inch or 25 cms.

Aw, come on, you know that's going to be hiLARious!

I'll give you candy...

Please?                                 Be Careful!  That's the Deep End!

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