Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Car...a Car...Shining in the Night...

What have I gone and done with this day? I swear, it was right here last time I checked. The whole damned thing was right in front of me and now...
Bought a car today. Um...a most unholy union of suv and wagon, I guess you 'd say. Look, it was my final shot to break out of the MommyVan. Tear down those childproof windows, I say. Of course, had I not totaled said MommyVan, we'd all be in a much happier (albeit MommyVannish) place with no car payments and third row seating, but what can you do?

I think it took all day. That's all I can figure. It must have taken all day. Ever since I stopped w/the coffee (don't even ask how that's going), I, uh...I ain't the quickest bunny in the hutch. But yes, we were definitely in the car place at least twice today and the first time I went w/ my dh who was never closer than 8 or 20 cars away from me and my trusty notebook of blue book/mpg/mechanic's advice so that I had to whip around and call for him about sixteen times and then w a i t f o r h i m t o w a l k o n o v e r from wherever the freak he was, and then the second time was when I went back during rush hour with all my kids and an extra one (god bless my dear friend who drove me) for the actual purchase which I can only compare to what we know of masonic rituals as described on the history channel. By then it was definitely nightfall and definitely raining.
Now, I had me some Lasik a few years back b/c I needed my glasses to find my glasses and I love being able to see. Love it tons and tons. Great stuff. Every morning is a surprise. Showers, of course, aren't so great a surprise because for the first 40 years of my life I was naive about my naked self, but that's what God made eyelids for, yes? Anyway, the sole downside of the Lasik Miracle is that I have a bit of a halo effect after dark. No big deal. When it's not raining. When I'm not driving a new (in 2004 it was) car. When I'm not driving a new(see prev. interjection re: actual newness) car that is a manual after 7 years of automatic glissade. You may recall that the catalyst (read: accident) for this vehicle occurred in the rain. BTW, those places do NOT appreciate big-eyed questions about what that funny looking extra pedal is for.
So, after a halo-ey (hallowed?) five speed drive and forgetting to downshift at the final hill before our freaking driveway (duh), we're home.

Is this the beginning of something, this rearing up from the MommyVan? Could there be some chrysalis-sy type thing going on? I wonder about stuff like that. Not for long because you cannot wonder such arcane things and pry the limbs of small children apart w/o causing permanent damage, but I do wonder. In between that other stuff.

And sometime I will tell you how this car thing is
exactly and honest to god just like my wedding dress thing. No kidding. It's almost a mad-lib.

Now you go wonder about

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And about WHEN were you going to tell me about this blog? When? When? When?

I wonder if you even know who I might be!