Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Belated Thank-You Note to LRHF

How many years can one technically work on potty training? Is there a cut-off? A retirement? a money-back guarantee? S'pose not, because I would have found it by now.

Six years is a long time, even when mommy is really only phoning in her efforts b/c the only thing she hates more than diapers is that very iffy period of infinite accidents that follow potty training.

But LRHF will get it. Oh, yes we can. Just wish the we didn't include me. I'm tired.

So we're working on it. Sort of. More than we used to (we, being me--my husband is very good about this). And this kid knows me. Knows how to push buttons. And I know he knows. And he knows I know he knows. And...oh, never mind.

The other night I casually suggested we visit the potty before bed. Sort of laid back, you know how I roll...just and idea, really...but he toddled off, pulled down the ol' pull up and sat.
No pressure. No expectations. Just chillin' on the potty.

But then, much to our mutual surprise, there was pee pee! There was pee pee going with gravity in the general direction most of us send our pee pee. I got excited. "Hurrah!" I yelled.
"You are so big now!" and all the like.

My LRHF, my beautiful boy, waited for me to regain my composure, then stood up, little pull-up down at his ankles, and he looked at me for a moment. Thinking. Then he said it. Very simply and clearly and emphatically.

He stood in front of that toilet, looked his poor feeble mommy in the eye and he said,

"You're Welcome!"

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