Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Waiter at Red Robin:

I realize that it was a Monday evening and we needed lots of kids' menus...and really, really, I'm not one bit mad or annoyed, it's just that I think you should probably know this one teensy thing for future customer service-type reference:

When Mama orders a bourbon up with twist of lemon, she is most definitely not kidding. Mama doesn't kid about bourbon. She fully means she wants a bourbon up with twist of lemon. Please do not ask her "what she really wants to drink." Write it down that first time and everyone lives another day.

Bless your heart.

It's just fine to bitch to to the bartender about the shoddy mothering going on at table eleven when you're at the bar getting the bourbon, but just get the bourbon.

Are we clear?


Check, Please.

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