Monday, January 17, 2011

Recovered Memories

We ran away together.

We had to. You understand, right? I mean, we didn't abandon anybody, or anything, we finally, FINALLY freaking found someone who could/would spend 24 hours with our precious baby angels. She left intact, for all intents and purposes. We left her with lots of beer, so here's hoping it was all mostly good. Just a little bloodshed (LRHF--big toe--apparent toybox attack.), and nobody seemed to miss us as much as we had missed each other.

It's been a long damned time since we spent 24 hours like that. Ten years? At least. That's as long as we've had kids, so yeah, that seems right.

So sweet. So sweet that I wept (not as arousing as one might think, btw). I saw that smile--you remember me talking about that smile? I saw it! Like the Northern Lights, hell, like the freaking Loch Goddamned Ness Monster, but I saw it, I did, I did, I did! I will try very, very hard not to forget it because it is enough make me hopeful.

It's goddamned hard, what we have, what we do, how we do it. And nobody gets points for that stuff, no matter how often I hear that "special kids find special parents." Frankly, that just makes me picture a heaven full of beautiful, albeit high maintenance baby-angels hanging out looking for trouble... (For the record: If you get to the "if" part of that phrase before I start slapping, it's only because I've pulled a muscle. Really. Don't try me.)

So, yesterday we ran away. We looked into each others' eyes again. We reached for each other again. We saw each other again.

And today we came home.


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