Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"All Done"

That's what LRHF would say when he couldn't do something, or something was hurting him, or he didn't see the point of something.

He's picked up a few new ways to make his point since then, but wisely, he keeps that sharp phrase in his back pocket for the really, really big stuff.

So I'm borrowing that no-frills-and-to-the-point sentiment today because I am tired, so tired of my own stupid, pointless rodent-on-a-reelride words. And if you think I'm tired of them, if I think my words are stupid and pointless, then consider that my husband's ears are practically bleeding. Ahhh...He doesn't want to talk anymore and doesn't see the point.

Since that's precisely when LRHF would say it, why not go with what you know?

And this I do know because I saw myself through his eyes last night.

My marriage.

"All Done."

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